You will notice that at the beginning of your floatation session, once you hop in the tank, that there is light switched on and music playing simultaneously. While it might be a great method in creating a relaxing atmosphere, it does serve a purpose.
The music allows your mind to slowly settle into a state of complete relaxation. Some people find that having complete silence at the beginning of the session can be unsettling or uncomfortable. The thought of coming from such a loud outside world, where your mind is processing every little noise and movement, followed by floating in complete silence can be quite alarming to some.
Once in the float tank, for some, your minds can take some time to switch off or slow down enough for you to feel relaxed. This is how music can help you. The music can act as a distraction. Having the music playing lightly in the background for the first part of your float can allow you to slowly turn down the volume of your inner mind and stop paying it as much attention, letting you settle into a state of silence.
As stated by Michael Hutchison in The Book of Floating, "the harder they try to achieve the desired state, the more it escapes them, until finally they learn -almost by accident- to let go, and the state just happens." You can feel obligated to completely turn off once inside the tank, making it a conscious effort to not think. This makes your brain work harder. The music can often act as a relaxer in itself, calming the mind and helping to eliminate any extra force making the brain try and switch off.
For those who prefer to have music playing the entire time during your float, this is possible. Be sure to let your floatation therapist know before you go in for your session. Call us on (03) 9440 9453 to book your float or click here to book online