Floatation Therapy is an effective tool as part of a weight reduction program, as it can be beneficial on many different levels. Not only is it incredibly useful in assisting weight loss, it is also helpful for overcoming habits and addictions such as being able to quit smoking or stop drinking alcohol.
On the physical level, floatation therapy can create an environment in the body that is conducive to weight loss by having a positive impact on hormones, specifically by reducing stress hormones, and increasing happy hormones!
When you are in a state of stress, the body releases a hormonal chemical called cortisol in response to the stress. High levels of cortisol in the body are linked with a build up of abdominal fat, as it interferes with the metabolic process. Being in a stressed out state can also have a physiological impact on our desire to eat certain foods – usually ones which aren’t good for us! Cortisol can mix up your hunger signals and cause you to eat high fat, simple carbohydrate foods that the body can easily convert to energy. Over time, this can create changes in our eating patterns and can form habits.
Many people have emotional triggers and may find that their eating habits change when they are under stress. Feeling upset might make you want to reach for the tub of ice-cream, or feeling angry might make you want to eat a bag of chips! This is when you eat not because you are hungry but because some emotion is pushing you to reach for food to find feelings of comfort. For a short time, the enjoyment of having a greasy burger and fries or a block of chocolate helps you to feel better but this feeling subsides when you realize all of the unwanted calories you consumed. By then it is too late, and this is where the beginning of a vicious cycle can develop. Depression from overeating that leads to more overeating in an effort to feel good. In this way, stress and/or unhappiness can directly relate to gaining unwanted weight.
Floatation therapy can help by clearing cortisol and other stress hormones from the body, and at the same time releasing endorphins, which are natural feel-good chemicals. It is this release of endorphins that has scientists finding links to support the effectiveness of floatation therapy in weight loss programs and the treatment of other addictive behaviours. Simply put, these natural opiates help us to create pleasurable feelings, thereby decreasing the need to eat for comfort.
Another way in which floatation therapy aids in weight loss is through the increased self-awareness that comes from being in a deeply relaxed state. You are able to increase your body awareness, your emotional awareness and the float tank also provides a space for self-analysis. It may provide you with the opportunity to discover what your trigger mechanisms are, as well as gaining clarity on your motivations and expectations around weight loss and your relationship to yourself and food.
The float tank is an effective tool for positive self-motivation for weight loss, or making other changes within yourself, as it eliminates all external stimuli so you can concentrate on yourself. Because you are in such a deeply relaxed state, you are open to suggestion as well as positive thoughts and attitudes. As discussed earlier, it also produces chemical changes in your body which promote clarity of thought, improved memory and problem-solving.
On the physical level, floatation therapy can create an environment in the body that is conducive to weight loss by having a positive impact on hormones, specifically by reducing stress hormones, and increasing happy hormones!
When you are in a state of stress, the body releases a hormonal chemical called cortisol in response to the stress. High levels of cortisol in the body are linked with a build up of abdominal fat, as it interferes with the metabolic process. Being in a stressed out state can also have a physiological impact on our desire to eat certain foods – usually ones which aren’t good for us! Cortisol can mix up your hunger signals and cause you to eat high fat, simple carbohydrate foods that the body can easily convert to energy. Over time, this can create changes in our eating patterns and can form habits.
Many people have emotional triggers and may find that their eating habits change when they are under stress. Feeling upset might make you want to reach for the tub of ice-cream, or feeling angry might make you want to eat a bag of chips! This is when you eat not because you are hungry but because some emotion is pushing you to reach for food to find feelings of comfort. For a short time, the enjoyment of having a greasy burger and fries or a block of chocolate helps you to feel better but this feeling subsides when you realize all of the unwanted calories you consumed. By then it is too late, and this is where the beginning of a vicious cycle can develop. Depression from overeating that leads to more overeating in an effort to feel good. In this way, stress and/or unhappiness can directly relate to gaining unwanted weight.
Floatation therapy can help by clearing cortisol and other stress hormones from the body, and at the same time releasing endorphins, which are natural feel-good chemicals. It is this release of endorphins that has scientists finding links to support the effectiveness of floatation therapy in weight loss programs and the treatment of other addictive behaviours. Simply put, these natural opiates help us to create pleasurable feelings, thereby decreasing the need to eat for comfort.
Another way in which floatation therapy aids in weight loss is through the increased self-awareness that comes from being in a deeply relaxed state. You are able to increase your body awareness, your emotional awareness and the float tank also provides a space for self-analysis. It may provide you with the opportunity to discover what your trigger mechanisms are, as well as gaining clarity on your motivations and expectations around weight loss and your relationship to yourself and food.
The float tank is an effective tool for positive self-motivation for weight loss, or making other changes within yourself, as it eliminates all external stimuli so you can concentrate on yourself. Because you are in such a deeply relaxed state, you are open to suggestion as well as positive thoughts and attitudes. As discussed earlier, it also produces chemical changes in your body which promote clarity of thought, improved memory and problem-solving.