Mind Clearing Process
Do you have a mind that goes at a million-miles-an-hour?
Is it full of to-do’s, or constant thoughts or worries?
Do you find it hard to “switch off” your thoughts and meditate?
Did you answer YES? Then we have a wonderful strategy for you to try out before your next floatation session!
Is it full of to-do’s, or constant thoughts or worries?
Do you find it hard to “switch off” your thoughts and meditate?
Did you answer YES? Then we have a wonderful strategy for you to try out before your next floatation session!

If you are feeling stressed out, with a busy mind that goes non-stop like a hamster on its wheel, it’s time for you to learn how to get it to STOP!
Here is our suggestion for how you can clear your mind now.
Please note you can do this process BEFORE you come to your float session – whether you are at home, work, on public transport – wherever you are, you can do this. If you can’t do it before you arrive at Inner Outer Health, arrive 10 minutes early and sit in the waiting room and start the clearing process there.
Here is our suggestion for how you can clear your mind now.
Please note you can do this process BEFORE you come to your float session – whether you are at home, work, on public transport – wherever you are, you can do this. If you can’t do it before you arrive at Inner Outer Health, arrive 10 minutes early and sit in the waiting room and start the clearing process there.
- Before your float, have a journal, book or writing paper and a pen ready.
- Using a combination of words, images, colours – whatever you need to do and whatever works for you – describe your feelings, thoughts, what needs to be done or whatever else is taking up residence in your head-space.
- Literally write/draw whatever comes to mind – it doesn’t have to make sense, or be in order. Let it come out however it needs to without judging it. No one needs to read it (including you if you choose) so give yourself permission to let it come out whichever way it does. Just let you unconscious mind lead you to the direction to which you need to take.
- You will notice that you will reach a “stuck point” where the thoughts stop automatically flowing. Ask yourself “what else?” until your flow begins again. Keep repeating this process 3 times or until you can’t think of anything else to write. This is an important part of this process.
- Put your journal/paper away when you are finished, and don’t revisit it again before your float.
- Allow yourself the rest of the time before your float to simply relax and close your eyes, focus on your breath and be present and mindful.
- You are now ready to enter the Float Room with a clear mind.
After your session, write down your observations of any differences after using this technique. Notice the difference in how your session flows, and how much you can let go mentally during your session.
Before bed if you have trouble switching off and have trouble falling asleep as a result. Do this OUTSIDE of your bedroom… i.e. in your study, lounge wherever, so that when you enter your bedroom, you are clear and ready for a great night’s rest.
- Before meditation
Related blogs:
Floatation Therapy and the Paradoxical Law of Reversed Effort
Enhance your float part 1
Enhance your float part 2: Breath Awareness
Enhance your float part 3: Moving around your body
Enhance your float part 4: Visualisation and Imagination
Enhance your float part 5: Creative Visualisation Framework