Sweden is the third host country for this annual event. They are the leaders of advocating for floatation therapy, having the most floatation centres of any country in the world. They will be the first country to approve floatation therapy as a reimbursable therapy, which is a fantastic achievement. I am so excited and really hope Australia choose to follow Sweden’s lead and recognise the incredible benefits of floatation therapy for both specific conditions, as well as benefiting one’s overall health.
Some of the featured expert speakers at the summit included Swedish Doctors:
· Dr. Torsten Norlander
· Dr. Anette Kjellgren
· Dr. Ulf Sundequist
· Dr. Trevor Archer
· Dr. Roderick Borries
· Dr. Tamara Russell
· Mr. Anders Heden
Stay tuned for more information about new and exciting research being conducted as a result of this conference, including how fibromyalgia patients can find significant relief using floatation therapy!