Some opt for a ‘mummy makeover’ package or other cosmetics, which may sound like a great gift idea but, the sad reality it could be taken the wrong way.
Suggesting, “let’s fix your tired-looking body” might not be a thoughtful way to kick start Mother’s Day! While some mums may crave to lift up or tighten their figure, it may be something they want to keep to themselves.
Of course, not every woman wants to look like Elle Macpherson or Kim Kardashian posing for the perfect selfie. Every mum has the right to treat her body however she likes without being judged, especially on Mother’s Day.
Mums always run ragged doing all the superhero stuff that makes them, well, awesome. The least you could do is help your mum to jump off the treadmill of constant worrying and multi-tasking and take a well-deserved break.
Have you considered giving your mum
2 hours of absolute peace and quiet
in her very own floatation pod?
Most mums have never heard of floatation therapy before, but it’s one of the most effective ways for her to untangle her busy, over-worked mind and relax her body in the privacy of her very own floatation room.
Our rooms are luxuriously appointed and fully equipped with a private shower and all the amenities to make her feel super-special and loved. We have lots of on-site parking and we’re conveniently located to make it nice and easy for her.
Floatation therapy starts with a warm mineral solution so dense you can lie on your back and drift effortlessly. This chamber of relaxation is free of noise, light pollution, and those household chores that always get in the way of proper relaxation.
Floating is the most relaxing and therapeutic experience your mum will have. She’ll love you for it, so much so you might even become her “favourite child”, but we make no such promises!
Just one hour of floating is equivalent to 4 hours of sleep. With this Mother’s Day 2-hour floatation special, it’s like a full, uninterrupted night of sleep. It’s well, …awesome, just like she is!
But don’t take our word for it, over 100 universities, hospitals and sports training centres around the world endorse the incredible health benefits of this remarkable therapy.
Floatation therapy offers other positive benefits including:
• Reduces the build-up of stress hormones
• Helps remove harmful toxins from your system
• Stimulates faster recovery from pain without drugs
• Increases endorphins – the happy hormone!
• Improves memory, brain function and mental clarity
Mums are running ragged all the time.
Don’t you think yours deserves a little
mental, physical and emotional break?
Give your mum a gift of floatation this Mother’s Day – We’ve created a limited-time offer just for her! If you’re really generous, buy two so she can come with a friend, we have 2 pods that can be reserved at the same time, making it a fun “outing”.
CLICK HERE to purchase vouchers – she can schedule to come float whenever it suits her, no stress, no dramas!