Have a listen to the research been undertaken on the floatation tank.
Today's post is from Mike
"Research undertaken at the Human Performance Laboratory in Sweden, a Dr concluded that regular Floatation Therapy sessions can provide significant relief for chronic stress-related ailments. Studies involving 140 people with conditions such as anxiety, stress, depression and fibromyalgia found that more than three quarters experienced noticeable improvements." Hi Mike, As you stated in your blog, new research was undertaken at the Human Performance Laboratory at Karlstad University, Sven-Åke Bood concludes that regular floatation tank sessions can provide significant relief for chronic stress-related ailments. Studies involving 140 people with long-term conditions such as anxiety, stress, depression and fibromyalgia found that more than three quarters experienced noticeable improvements. I did some research using Wikipedia and Dr. Bood commented: "Through relaxing in floating tanks, people with long-term fibromyalgia, for instance, or depression and anxiety felt substantially better after only 12 treatments". Research targeted the effectiveness of floatation treatment with regard to stress related pain and anxiety over the period of seven weeks. 22 percent of the participants became entirely free of pain and 56 percent experienced clear improvement. Broken down to various symptoms, the results were as follows: 23 percent slept better, 31 percent experienced reduced stress, 27 percent felt less agony and 24 percent became less depressed or got rid of their depression altogether. The research also confirms the findings of an earlier thesis that floatation, after only twelve sessions, substantially improves sleep patterns leaving users more optimistic and with reduced nervousness, tension and pain. Relaxing in a weightless state in the silent warmth of a flotation tank activates the body's own system for recuperation and healing, said Sven-Åke Bood. What researchers find particularly gratifying is that the positive effects were still in evidence 4 months after the floating treatment ended.” Thanks for sharing! Lena |
BLOG AUTHORLena Yammine is the author of the Inner Outer Health Blog. FLOATATION